Thursday, May 16, 2019
Britney circus tour
Back in 2009 my ex-husband set up the stage for Britney's circus tour in Tacoma Washington. He never was able to actually speak to Britney because before she even got there all of the stage crew was informed not to speak to her even if they saw her. Which honestly could be Britney's request because of the anxiety she has. But the one thing that,well two things, that I found very interesting is that my ex-husband said that she very rarely looked up and looked into people's eyes like people on her team or the stage crew. He said she was shy and sweet and was very obedient to her team. She seemed extra nervous and uncomfortable when her bodyguards were around and the times that she did make eye contact with him and his best friend who was the stage Manager it was like she wanted to say something to them and like she was sorry that they were being treated that way by her team. The most interesting thing that happened is when my ex-husband was pulling one of the trunks full of her clothes out of the truck you know they have those big semi trucks that are packed with everything for the show and for the stage and he pulled one of the chests out and just out of curiosity he opened it to see what clothes she was going to be wearing for the show and he saw in the top corner kind of hidden ,under the outfit that had all of the tassels it looks like a soldier outfit it's red, he found a flip phone and he picked it up but he did not and he was very clear to me that he did not look at the phone at all. he did not open it he just picked it up because it was odd that it was there and then he went to put it back he was only holding it for a few seconds and one of her bodyguards came up behind him and swiped it out of his hand and said I'll take that. so I suppose it's speculation why The bodyguard took it maybe he thought my ex-husband was going to look at it but my ex told me the feeling he got was that it was a phone that Britney was not supposed to have and The bodyguard knew it and was confiscating it.
Britney C-ship
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Britney's c-ship
Okay so I'm using talk to text because there's just so much I want to say and to type it all out would just take too long for honestly how fast my mind works. I apologize for any grammatical errors. I'm a retired mental health counselor and patient advocate. one of the biggest parts of my job was to advocate for patients rights. we were trained at the mental health facility where I worked 2 always put patient rights above pretty much everything. We were trained on almost a monthly basis we had classes where it was drilled into our heads. Mental health patients have civil rights and liberties that regardless how unhealthy they live their life or the self destructive decisions that they make even if they are suicidal that we as the staff have no place in forcing them to do or not do anything. And same goes for their family members. I live in Washington State and here we don't call it conservatorship we call it guardianship but it is the same thing. In order for a family member or any person to get a conservatorship or guardianship over another person's person is almost unheard of. The only times which were few that I saw that happen with a client it was when either they were elderly and suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease or in a coma or so ill that they were bedridden in a hospital or a nursing home. I have never in my career seen not just in my own facility but other facilities that I visited with or colleagues that I know that working other facilities I have never seen someone as functional as Britney be under a conservatorship or guardianship. someone did bring up on one of my tweets that we as the public don't know how stable Britney is or is not. Which is true we don't know how she is doing and how her mental health is right now but here's what we do know. We know that this woman is actively a good mother for one thing we can see as the public that she's able to tour to make music videos to record albums to do interviews to do meet-and-greets to be a host on x factor to have a Las Vegas residency for several years successfully. We see through her Instagram even though it is run by her handlers it is very clear that she loves her children spend quality time with them and lives a physically healthy life her body is in great condition and that doesn't happen by being a depressed mental mess. from what I can see on the outside and I'm trained to observe I have been trained to pick up on body language. I have been trained to see the red flags of somebody who is suffering with bipolar disorder or manic depression or depression or anxiety. I was trained to pick up on these red flags so that I could better help my clients help themselves. From what I can observe of Britney Spears she has good hygiene she obviously eats healthy and exercises regularly she spends quality time with her kids and her family she enjoys painting and yoga and dancing and singing. All of those things that I just mentioned about Britney or all signs of a person who is mentally healthy, at least someone who is rigorously trying to get and stay healthy. Someone with the severe depression and all of the things that her team is allegedly trying to describe her as now like that she can't take care of herself and she's so mentally ill that she can't make her own choices as far as health care,v I feel wedwe have direct evidence right before oureour that Britney on a daily basis makes choices to be good to herself and be good to her children and she wants to get better. she's a very positive person and that's not to say that she's not living with mental illness but another thing that we're trained on is that we should never speak about or to someone living with a mental illness as saying for instance that Britney Spears IS manic depressive or bipolar we are trained to never speak to or about somebody that's Living with mental illness that way. When a person is living with mental illness that means that they are a person first and foremost separate from their diagnosis or the mental illness that they live with so the correct language is to say that Britney is Living with bipolar disorder it's not what defines her it's just something she lives with like people who live with diabetes or people who live with even cancer. Also, wejwe have no direct evidence that bipolar disorder is hersher diagnosis. So much stigma is around mental illness and that's why we have the trainings that we have as mental health professionals even we ourselves fall short and stigmatize because it's something that society has drilled into our head since we can remember...that mental illness is bad that it makes you weak and odd and strange. But the truth of the matter is I think everyone every human being at least once in their lifetime is not mentally healthy whether it is they go through something horrible or they come of age when a mental illness sets in I think everybody goes through something at some point in their life where they're not mentally healthy. Then should we say that everyone is crazy that everyone is unstable. That's just ridiculous the stigma is so thick around mental illness all over the world but especially in this country and its 2020 I think people really need to educate themselves and be more aware and be mindful of how they think and speak about people living with a mental illness. I do believe that now that there's a glaring light on the conservatorship and the people that have been running it I do think It will be lifted within the next few years. I think that she is going to obtain a little more visitation with her kids. It has been alleged that her dad has used her kids as a threat against her like if she doesn't do what he wants her to do he reminds her that he has the power to take away her children from her and being a mother I can't even imagine being in that position. I can also tell you as a mother that I would do anything and I mean anything for my son anything in the world that someone asked of me I would do that for my child. So it's not surprising that the conservatorship has gone on as long as it has without her putting her foot down or speaking up. because I really do believe the allegation that this whole time she has been threatened with losing her children by her dad Jamie. And I think the only reason why she's standing up now is because number one of the Free Britney movement her fans have stood up and spoken out and been heard and even other celebrities are speaking out now about the conservatorship and Britney and how shady it all seems. I just think that the free Britney movement started this snowball down the mountainside and it just keeps getting bigger and gaining momentum and at some point when that snowball was going down the mountainside it grabbed Lynne and she got on board and realize something was very wrong and there was proof in the pudding all over the internet things just so many things came together with in a couple weeks. After Britney's Graham released their podcast. So yeah I think Britney is definitely going to get out from under this conservative ship I do think that we are going to see Jamie and Lou Taylor and Larry Rudolph in some hot water but I don't think Britney will press criminal charges against them because I think at this point she just wants them gone. She wants them out of her life she wants to be free to make her own choices like any other 38 year old American. However, certain offices of the government may choose to file charges depending on what is discovered ongoing. We have to keep the freebritney movement in the forefront. Our voices are being heard and we are making a difference. the long-winded claim that Britney's team has made that she doesn't agree with the free Britney movement and that she's happy with the way things are we now have proof is not the case. Britney in her own words through her lawyer and through the courts has made it very clear that she is not happy with the conservatorship arrangement and she is not happy with the details of that conservatorship being withheld from her informed fans. Her team has consistently stuck to the narrative that Britney is so mentally incapacitated that she's not aware of her issues and that she's unable to take care of herself. But the thing is in the end the truth is going to come out,a it's already coming out. It's so evident that Britney is not on board with this conservatorship and that she is an able-bodied adult woman who should have all the civil liberties that the rest of us have. I not only have faith in the fire in Britney's soul but I have faith in Lynne. In her fight and power as a mother. Lynne is a very kind happy person but she's also kind of a badass. And I think we're going to see her being more of a badass than ever before. So let's keep speaking up everyday and screaming at the top of our lungs freebritney!
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